Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hooded Towel

My friend, Laura, is expecting twins:  one boy, one girl.  When my son was born, almost ten years ago, my sister made him one of these hooded towels, and he still uses it at age nine.  It has proven to be a lasting gift that has gotten a lot of use.  I prefer the hooded towels made out of these thick towels because the ones that most companies make for babies usually do not soak up as much water, and are just kind of a wet mess after use.  These, in contrast, are so snuggly.

Here's how to make them:
1.  You will need a regular sized bath towel, one wash cloth, matching thread, and a sewing machine.

2.  Cut the tags out of the wash cloth.  The wash cloth will be the hood of the final product.

3.  Fold the wash cloth in half, inside out.  Measure with your pointer finger on the folded edge.  This is where you will start sewing.

4.  Sew from that point, all the way to the corner, forming a triangle.

5.  Fold the triangle away from the front of the hood and sew it down along the edges.

6.  Do the same thing to the other side of the hood/wash cloth.

7.  Turn the hood right side out.

8.  Fold the towel in half.

9.  The center is on top of the red and yellow pin located in the middle shown here.  Fold about a pointer finger's distance to meet the inside, center of the towel.  Pin the towel in place and do the same thing to the other side.

10.  Lay the completed wash cloth/hood on top of the center where pins are located, making sure to center as well.    The front of the hood should be on top as shown.

11.  Sew all layers together, except for the front of the hood.

12.  I like to finish the inside with a needle and thread to keep all the layers from showing, plus it will give the hood and towel connection some extra strength for durability.

See how much prettier that is now!

My son modeling the finished product. 

Thanks Laura for having twins so I could have the privilege of making these towels.  Fun stuff.